Last week we celebrated
20 years of CSD use in Statoil with a festive cake at the Statoil office in Stavanger. After the first version of CSD was developed together with the Norwegian oil company Saga Petroleum, Statoil also decided to implement CSD. At the time all the schematics were kept as hardcopies in folders and it was not easy for employees to gain access to the most up to date well schematics. With the implementation of CSD all the users could see/modify schematics and it was easy to keep track of the well history.
20 years down the line CSD is still in use in the Statoil organization and all the well schematics are kept in CSD and accessible for the organization (via CSD and the CSD web interface). In addition to this Statoil has merged with Norsk Hydro and indirectly with Saga Petroleum and both of these companies were also CSD users.
As wells have become more advanced and completions has become intelligent, the CSD application has been develiped to handle all of these new setups. Today CSD handles all the advanced completions that Statoil has implemented in fields such as Troll, Gullfaks, Statfjord, Heidrun, Snorre etc. and there are about 1500 wells in the database and there are 2000 users registered in the system. CSD has become an important tool for Statoil and we in Completion Services look forward to working with Statoil also in the future.
Statoil ASA is a Norwegian multinational oil and gas company headquartered in Stavanger, Norway. It is a fully integrated petroleum company with operations in thirty-six countries. By revenue, Statoil is ranked by Forbes Magazine (2013) as the world's eleventh largest oil and gas company and the twenty-sixth largest company, regardless of branch, by profit in the world. The company has about 23 000 employees.
Statoil was formed by the 2007 merger of Statoil with the oil and gas division of Norsk Hydro
Directors of Completion Services (from left to right): Gard Karlsen, Olav Beisland and Knut Fadnes